A Brief History Of Land Mapping And Surveying

Surveying and mapping are professions that have been around for several thousand years. And as with everything, change is the only thing that has remained constant as the millennia have evolved. From ancient rope stretchers to today’s real-time kinematic (RTK) drones, one can tell that land mapping and surveying have reinvented themselves by harvesting the advanced technologies and knowledge of the 21st century. Reality and virtual environments have intersected to create new perspectives and a brighter future for the profession.

Below we are going to explore some ways in which surveying and mapping are developing at a rapid pace futureproofing the next generation of construction, development, and architectural achievements.

How Has Surveying Evolved Over Time?

As they incorporate calibrated optics, GPS, and geospatial technologies that weren't accessible a decade or two ago, surveying tools have evolved over time, becoming more expensive and sophisticated. Traditional surveying has evolved into advanced geospatial technology applications using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), LiDAR, Subsurface Utility Exploration, or 3D laser scanning.

The Certified Surveying Technician (CST) designation and the licensing of Professional Surveyors and Mappers show how this profession presents opportunities that can ensure employment for decades to come. In addition, the fields of Modeling and Simulation (ModSim for short) along with Augmented Reality (AR) and other virtual-world applications will fall on the skill of geospatial experts like surveyors, who will propel their real-world applications into mainstream uses.

What Impact Did Diversity Have On Innovation And Expansion?

There used to be a time when most surveyors were white males who chose this career path as an alternate option to working in construction or other back-breaking work for working-class individuals. Becoming a surveyor used to be a profession for those who didn’t want to attend college and wanted a quick and straightforward path to making a decent living outdoors and without the constraints of an office building.

However, the evolution to a technology-driven take on land mapping and surveying opened up opportunities to individuals whose technical aptitudes and affinity for innovative technologies—many of whom are from ethnic minorities and women who see the opportunity to be a part of an evolving field of work.

The surveyor of the 21st century is a man or woman who values the skill, knowledge, and accuracy demanded by the industry.

Land Mapping and Surveying That is Better, Faster, and Cheaper

With Carroll Surveying and Mapping, the future is here! Where else would you find services that are as accurate, high quality and on time as ours?