A Guide To Flood Proof Home You Didn’t Know Before

When you are buying a house, it is very necessary to check if the house is flood proof. Because if that is not done, you may have to face economical and health related problems whenever a flood rises. To solve that problem, it is recommended that you get land mapping and surveying services to identify how flood proof your house is.

There are some measures that can be taken in order to prevent a flood from breaking into your home. But first, we will have to identify if the location is flood proof. That can be done using land mapping and surveying.

Flood Maps

There are various flood maps available in the market that provide guidance toward determining the flood resistance of the house. All you need to do is look for your address on the map. The map will do the rest for you and tell you if the area is flood proof or not.

Professional Mapping and Surveying

If the available flood maps put you in some kind of confusion, you can simply get your property surveyed by professional land mapping and surveying personnel. They will provide you with the exact reports for your property.


Now that you know how flood proof your house is, the time has come to take precautions according to that.


If the area you chose for your house is in a heavy flood zone, it is recommended that you drop the idea of buying the property and switch to a house that is built on higher ground. But if it is in a lower flood zone, you can purchase the property if you have taken proper precautions.

Flood Insurance Policy

If your house has even the slightest chance of getting affected by a flood, it is heavily recommended that you get yourself flood insurance.

Flood Walls

Constructing a flood wall outside the house is sometimes a good idea in case your house is affected lightly during floods. Constructing such a wall will save you from very light floods. But in case of heavier floods, it will be mostly useless.


You can also raise your house a bit by building it on a platform. What it does is it prevents the low floods from getting into your house.

The Best Surveys at Carroll

Carroll’s Land Mapping and Surveying provides one of the best services in the industry. With our mapping, you can rest assured that your house is getting a proper evaluation and you will be able to acutely detect the probability of floods. So call us today to get your property surveyed.