A Guide to Drone Survey Data: Volume, Topography and More

Drone technology has revolutionized surveying and mapping in the 21st century. Drone survey company has embraced drones to capture high-resolution aerial imagery, create detailed 3D models and generate accurate geospatial data for various applications. Let's explore the basics of drone survey data, the types of drone sensors and software used and how they transform the surveying industry today.

Overview of Drone Surveying

Drone surveying involves using uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with specialized sensors to capture data from the air. The drones are flown over the survey area by professionals from drone survey companies and capture high-resolution images, which are then processed using specialized software to create detailed 3D models and geospatial data. Drone surveying provides several advantages over traditional methods, including faster data capture, higher accuracy, and lower costs.

Software: The Key to Analyzing and Reporting Drone Survey Data

Drone surveying software is critical in capturing, processing, and analyzing drone survey data. The drone survey company uses several software tools available for drone surveying, including photogrammetry, GIS, and specialized surveying software. Some popular drone surveying software tools include Pix4D, Agisoft Metashape, ArcGIS, and Trimble Business Center.

Drone Survey Data

Drone survey data encompasses several data collected by drones, including volume calculations, topographical data, 3D mesh models, orthophotos, DTM, DSM, DEM, multispectral data, and thermal images. Let's take a closer look at each of these data types.

Looking at Volume Calculations

You can use drone survey data to calculate the volume of materials such as stockpiles, pits, and quarries. Using specialized software, your drone survey company can generate accurate volume measurements in minutes, compared to the days or weeks it may take using traditional surveying methods.

Observing the Topographical Data

Drone surveying can also provide high-resolution topographical data, including elevations, contours, and slope analysis. Topographical data is essential for site planning, construction, and environmental monitoring.

3D Mesh Model: A New Dimension in Drone Survey Data

You can create detailed 3D mesh models of survey areas, providing a comprehensive view of the site's topography and features with drone survey data. You can use 3D mesh models for various applications, including site planning, visualization, and design.

Orthophotos: High-Resolution Aerial Images for Detailed Mapping

Orthophotos are high-resolution aerial images you can orthorectify, meaning you can correct them for distortions caused by the drone's camera angle and altitude. You can also use it for site visualization, planning, and monitoring by your drone survey company.


DTM (Digital Terrain Model), DSM (Digital Surface Model), and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) are three types of topographical data derived from drone survey data. DTM represents the bare earth surface, DSM represents the top of features such as buildings and trees, and DEM combines the two. You can use these data types for site planning, construction, and environmental monitoring.

Multispectral Data: Unlocking New Insights

Multispectral sensors capture data beyond the visible spectrum, including near-infrared and thermal imagery. You can use it for vegetation analysis, crop monitoring, and environmental assessments.

Drone Survey Today

Drone surveying has rapidly become an essential tool for modern surveying and mapping. Drone survey companies are leveraging the power of drones and specialized software to provide faster, more accurate, and cost-effective surveying solutions. Drone surveying helps with various applications, including construction, mining, environmental monitoring, agriculture, and infrastructure inspection.

Get Accurate and Cost-Effective Drone Survey Solutions Today!

If you're looking for a reliable drone survey company, look at Carroll Surveying & Mapping. Our experienced surveyors and pilots use the latest drone technology and software to provide accurate and cost-effective surveying solutions for various industries.

At Carroll Surveying & Mapping, we specialize in topographical surveys, stockpile volume calculations, 3D modeling, and orthophotos. We use state-of-the-art drones and specialized software to provide our clients with high-resolution data and accurate measurements.

One of the advantages of working with Carroll Surveying & Mapping is that we can provide our clients with quick turnaround times. We can complete our survey within a fraction of the time using traditional surveying methods, allowing our clients to make more informed decisions faster.