How Much Does A Land Surveying Cost?

Drones were discovered a long time ago but weren’t used by the public for a long time. Army officials used it for training purposes. Now that even normal citizens have got their hands on it, they are discovering several new ways to use it. Operating it is a ton of fun and they are using it for various purposes. Some kids buy drones to play around with them or click pictures.

Furthermore, many weather monitoring networks and telecommunications are also using drones to gather information. Many drone survey companies have also adopted technically advanced drones for their survey business. The surveyors use drones to survey a plot of land rather than traditional survey methods. Now, this raises the biggest question: how much does it cost?

Drone Mapping: Summary

To know how much a drone survey might cost, you must know what it is. Drone mapping is when a surveyor uses drones to survey a particular plot. The whole process involves taking pictures of the land’s features and then making a 2D or 3D map with the information.

The drone uses much new software to take and save the pictures that it has taken. Drone mapping companies usually combine all those pictures to make a good map for their client. The pictures also carry data to let the user know where and when it was taken.

The Way It Is Priced

Every drone mapping company has to get Part 107 licensing to use drones for business work. This started in 2016, and many drones were registered that year. The price of drone mapping depends on many different factors.

Most business companies claim that they start with a per-hour rate, which is adjusted with other elements. When the company gets a fair idea about the market rate and the amount that will profit them, they finalize a fixed project price. Here are some factors that affect the price of drone mapping.

  • It would help if you had proper liability insurance for your drone. The survey company has insurance so that if something happens, they can get the money.

  • If the company has to travel a long way to do the coverage, they might charge you more. The company usually charges an average amount per hour to deliver quality service. If the surveyor is well experienced, then they will charge more than the ones that have just started.

  • The drone survey company charges the amount according to the acre of land that needs to be surveyed. Sometimes they offer a discount for every big land because its utilization can increase.

  • The time spent on the project is also a factor that affects the cost. The time the surveyor spends on a project will also be included in the pricing chart.

Get Clients Effortlessly

Carroll Surveying & Mapping is a surveying company that has been in this industry for more than 40 years. They have surveyors who have years of experience in this field and provide high-quality service to their clients. Call to schedule your bookings today.