Importance of Land Surveying in Construction and its Types

A construction site is a deceptively simple place before construction begins, but it has tons of complex engineering geometry hidden in the plain sight. This includes topographical features, angles of land, existing structures and fixtures, slopes, and precise legal boundaries vs. workable boundaries, to name just a few. Land surveys in Oklahoma cover mapping and documenting all of these - but they are also widely varied. Let's see how.

What Is a Land Survey in Oklahoma?

Surveying the land means a lot in construction and geography. It is the means and methods of acquiring detailed information about a given land's surface formation. It involves using various simple and complex instruments to observe and collect a plethora of data involving the land's topography and mensuration. This data will then be analyzed to determine essential factors influencing the construction.

Types of Land Surveys

  • Boundary Survey

Every plot of land where the construction needs to happen has an exact and specific size and location, demarcated by plot boundary lines. Before starting construction, it is imperative that you find out the exact land boundaries in the real world in accordance with the deed documents. You don't want to step on your neighbor's (or worse, the government’s) toes, do you?

  • Topographic Survey

Before construction, all there is to know about the land itself, and about its building. That includes the precise contour of the land, the elevations, the depressions, the slopes, the plants and shrubbery - everything. This is called the topography of the land and it is the most complex and time-consuming land survey in Oklahoma.

  • ALTA & NSPS Survey

Among the different survey methods, some differ according to the land and legal compliances. The ALTA/NSPS Survey (American Land Title Association and National Society of Professional Surveyors) provides strict guidelines issued for specific legal needs, like mortgages. A proper land survey company in Oklahoma would serve this.

  • Construction Survey

Whether infrastructure or civil construction, land surveys are essential for any construction project of any size. Establishing all the minor and major features and fixtures of the land to be built upon, construction surveys virtually map out the markers to guide the project, each with full details of that point. This land survey in Oklahoma provides the complete layout of the land and allows us to adjust the project accordingly.

  • Drone and Aerial Survey

Technology is the best friend of land surveyors; in modern days, they are increasingly using drones to map out the land. Drones and UASs (Unmanned Aerial Surveillance) can fly over large areas quickly and generate a lot of data ready to be processed by computers. This generated the virtual 3D maps of the plot, which can help you to directly feed into construction software like AutoCAD and construct the virtual models of the project soon.

Get Mapped Today

Need to know the precise lay of the land? Contact a good land survey professional in Oklahoma today. Carroll Surveying and Mapping provides the best land surveys in OK with full statutory compliance for any purpose, from construction to legal.