Carroll Surveying and Mapping

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Need for Boundary Survey Before Buying or Building Home

New homes, whether buying or building, need hefty investment in Oklahoma. There are multiple things to consider and risks to mitigate before buying or building a house. You might want a build-ready family home in a good neighbourhood or buy a large block that you subdivide into two townhouses. Someone’s full attention can cause tunnel vision, where you won’t be able to concentrate on the structure. The best way to do it properly is by implementing a land survey in Colorado. This will help you correctly identify the boundary of your land, and the surveyors will also help you with the decision-making process. Let’s discuss more boundary identification surveys in detail.

What is Boundary Identification Survey?

A boundary identification survey is a form of a land survey, also called a cadastral survey, which helps to understand the boundary of the land. In this process, the land is sometimes marked with pegs or offset marks, for which boundary identification certificates are given. A land survey in Oklahoma shows the relationship between the boundary and all other structure that surrounds it. It is a misconception that a fence on a property can mark where the land ends but that’s not the case every time. People think that if they have a fence, that’s where their land ends and the neighbour’s land begins, but it is seen that sometime that might be wrong. This certificate will identify the title under which the land is held and will also settle and secure all legal rights over the land.

Things It will Look for

• It will identify if any driveway or other structure are trespassing your property

• It will make sure that the land is correctly described according to the contract

• Recognize the physical location of the boundary on the ground

• Report any rights of way over the ground

• See if the fences are located correctly on the ground

• Shows the position of the wall about the boundary

• Identify and confirm the size of the property and the boundary dimension

You Should Understand the Lay of Your Land

Understanding the land, you buy and what you will be entitled to is vital. This is just like a building inspection done before making a purchase; a land survey is equally important. A boundary identification can help you make an informed decision on buying a structure that meets the subdivision condition. A qualified land surveyor doing your land survey can give you peace of mind and confidence in your decision-making.

Have Peace of Mind for Your Next Investment

At Carroll Surveying and Mapping, we have licensed surveyors who can help you make an informed purchasing decision. Call to discuss all your needs.