The Different Services of an Aerial Survey Company

Our ancestors have been conducting land surveys for a long time to gather data. According to some research reports, surveys originate from ancient Egypt. A very prominent proof of that is in the pyramid of Giza, which is almost perfectly square.

A lot has happened since the time the pyramids were constructed. We have honed our skills and advanced technologies to the best of our abilities and it has affected our surveying methods as well. Modern machinery and equipment are used in surveys nowadays to improve the results. The greatest example is the aerial survey services provided by several survey companies. These survey companies use several methods to get the top angle pictures of a certain landform that can later be used to gather data. This has improved the quality of work considerably.

If you are in need land of surveys, you should contact an aerial survey company for the job. But before that, you must learn about some of the different survey services the companies provide. This will help you make the correct decision for your surveys.

Different Surveys from Aerial Survey Companies

These are some of the most common aerial survey methods. All these methods can provide much more clarity in the reports for the land. Let us learn a few details about them.

Drone Survey

Drone survey is the most common method of aerial surveys. In this method, they use LiDAR scanning technologies to generate high-quality images of the landforms. The usage of these small drones helps them get top-quality results within a very short time. Not just that, as the drones are quite affordable, both the surveyor and you end up saving a lot of money.

Helicopter Surveys

If the drone images are insufficient to determine all the necessary information about the land, helicopters can be used to conduct the surveys. It is an elevated version of drone surveys where helicopters are used to scan the area using the same LiDAR technology as drones. Thanks to the higher range of the helicopters these surveys can provide reports of a relatively large area.

Despite all the greats, there is one downside to this method. When it comes to drones, the operators get to position themselves in a safe location while flying the drones. But that is not true for the helicopters as the operators of these surveys must be stationed inside the vehicle. If the helicopter crashes, the lives of these aerial survey company employees will be at risk.

Airplane Surveys

These surveys are only conducted if you demand an extensive area to be surveyed. The usage of airplanes combined with trusted LiDAR scanning makes the process faster than ever. Not just that, thanks to the usage of strong airplanes, factors like weather, or winds do not leave any effect on the results of the survey.

But the LiDAR scanning tech used in the planes is often very expensive. As a result, it becomes a financial burden both for you and the survey company to spend such a huge amount of money.

Call Carroll Surveying and Mapping

You can use the above-mentioned services to create topographic maps and survey reports. If you are interested in either of them, contact Carroll Surveying and Mapping. Here you will find some of the best aerial survey services to help your future projects. And the best part is, you will get all these surveys at a very affordable rate.