A Layman’s Guideline about ALTA Land Survey Only for You

ALTA survey stands for American Land Title Association. It standardizes the survey process and helps the surveyors fulfill the requirements of private and government properties. This type of survey provides a detailed map that includes all the artificial and natural features, utilities and existing improvements. Alta land survey maintains the highest standard of surveying procedure, which people should do before real estate transactions.

Which Information Does This Survey Provide?

ALTA land survey is popular among people who want to purchase or sell real estate property because it provides detailed information. You may not find all the information related to the property in public records but with an ALTA survey. You get to learn about them too. The following information is-

Land improvements, encroachments, water boundaries, roads and property features, legal property description, property boundaries, zoning classification, the existing cemeteries, names of neighbors, legal routes to the property, and the existence of cemeteries.

When Do Experts Recommend Doing an ALTA Survey?

Generally, before exchanging real estate property, people do a survey, but there is still a risk of boundary line disputes and other legal problems. To avoid such issues, experts recommend doing ALTA survey because only this type of survey detects all the threats.

What Do Experts Do in the ALTA Survey?

Like other surveys, the ALTA land survey also has several steps which experts need to fulfill. Basically, the survey meets the requirements of title companies and gathers all the necessary information from property records during insurance dealings.

The steps are as follows-

  • First, the land surveyors research the existing land records.

  • After that, they will investigate the particular property.

  • Next, they will analyze all the factors related to property.

  • Following this, they will take detailed notes and create the map.

  • Then, after finishing the survey, they review the documents and signatures on them.

Why Should You Choose the ALTA Survey?

1. Title Research

The expert surveyors research the property and also from the title commitment and then they submit the final survey documents. But in another survey, this is not mandatory.

2. Standard Survey

ALTA land Survey is considered the best in the world. As a result, the title companies can write about the title insurance on the property after reviewing the survey. Consequently, both the owners and the lenders can reduce the financial risk.

3. Familiarity

From attorneys to lenders, title experts and surveyors knows about ALTA land surveys. As a result, when the survey was performed, no one had doubts about the quality of this survey. Keep in mind that the ALTA survey cost per acre varies based on a few factors.

Contact Us

ALTA survey has become immensely popular among people because it has detected multiple scopes of potentially costly problems. You should prioritize this survey when you want to finance a commercial project. Anyway, if you want to learn more about it, contact us at Carroll Surveying and Mapping.