Top 5 Ways to Reduce the Cost of a Topographic Survey

When people want to do a land survey of a particular place, they realize that the survey cost is much higher than expected. But a topographic survey in Colorado is also a mandatory step that should be fulfilled before completing a real estate transaction. But there are a few ways to reduce the topographic survey cost in Colorado. How to do so? Please continue to read this article to learn the factors so that you can also apply them when it’s your turn.

Clear the Survey Site and Open Access

Before hiring the surveyor, you should clear the land properly so that the expert can survey without any interruption. You obviously pay the experts for their expertise and valuable equipment.

But when they have to cut the vegetation and clear the debris from the site, you are compelled to pay more money to them because of these extra services. Also, try to give open access. In most cases, poor access can disrupt the topographic survey quality significantly.

Give Your Topographic Surveyor the Necessary Documents Before the Survey

Documentation is an essential element in this matter. You should hand over the copy of your deed and FMB / TSLR / Layout Sketch of your property to the land surveyor prior to the survey. To collect the documents mentioned above, you must contact the local Revenue Department to get copies.

The surveyors need to see these copies to understand which location they have to do a survey in and for what reasons. As a result, the experts don’t have to waste time on the documents and you can save money.

Eliminate the Unwanted Area from the Survey

There is no difficulty in drawing a line on the map for surveying the area. But when you move the line a little bit further (let’s say about a few meters), that means you have to pay an additional hundred or even a thousand dollars. Before hiring the topographic survey experts, evaluate what areas you really need to survey. In this way, you don’t have to pay money for unnecessary parts of areas.

Also, Remove Unnecessary Detail

Topographic surveys cover all the natural and artificial features of a particular place. But when you go for detailed data gathering, the cost will be higher automatically. For example, you may have plenty of trees in specific areas. But there is no need to count them for the project. In that case, tell your topographic surveyor not to include the trees in the survey, which will save you hard-earned money.

Hire the Right One!

Many people fall into the trap of so-called experts agreeing to complete the topographic survey at a lower cost than the standard market price. As a result, people hire them to save some bucks. But after a particular time, they realize that the expert has made many mistakes that ruin the survey entirely.

We Are Good at Mathematics

These are a few helpful ways to reduce your overall cost of surveying. If you want to do a quality survey for your land, contact us at Carroll Surveying and Mapping in Colorado.