Why Alta Surveys Have the Edge Over Boundary Surveys?

For the longest time, we only used boundary surveys to determine a property's area and find out its basic details. But since ALTA surveys came into being, the concept of the surveys has completely changed. ALTA or American Land Title Association surveys allowed the surveyor to learn much more about the land than the general boundary surveyed. Because of that, many insurance companies and property dealers nowadays recommend you get surveys before you sell your property.

But have you wondered why exactly these ALTA or NSPS surveys are considered superior to normal boundary surveys? Let us find out how each method holds its stand when faced against the other.

The Battle of Methods: Boundary Surveys vs. Alta Surveys

The Basic of Both Methods

The resemblance between ALTA and boundary surveys is uncanny. Their functions and uses are so similar that many consider ALTA part of the traditional boundary surveys, but one key difference sets them apart. Getting a normal boundary survey would only provide you with accurate measurements of the property. At the same time, the ALTA surveys would inform you about several other factors like elevation, slopes, and property risks. This means if you have recently purchased a property, it is advisable for you to get an ALTA. It will allow you to get the right amount of insurance claims.

Probable Clients of Each Method

The probable clients of the two methods are completely different. Usually, the property owners get regular boundary surveys to learn about the boundary of the land. At the same time, mostly money lenders, insurance companies, attorneys, or the law instructs for ALTA surveying. They use the reports to learn about the safety and the chances of improvement in the house.

Probable use of the Methods

Usually, boundary surveys are used to plan a building or a similar construction project. But ALTA/NSPS surveys are mostly used to secure the justified amount of insurance and loan.

Scopes of Each Method

The scopes using boundary surveys are considerably larger than ALTA. A boundary survey is used almost everywhere, from small residential properties to humongous factories and commercial buildings. But that is not the case for Alta surveys, as they are only needed by large commercial property owners. This means a select few types of people only need ALTA surveys.

The Cost of the Methods

The boundary surveys only provide you with some basic information. But ALTA, on the other hand, lets you dive deep and learn about several important pieces of information about the land. Therefore, the cost of these surveys is also considerably higher than normal surveys.

Ask Carroll for Your Surveying Needs

Reading this article, you must have already understood what type of surveying you need for your property. Now all that is left is to call Carroll Surveying & Mapping. The reviews of our boundary surveys are quite good among the customers. We also happen to provide the best facilities for ALTA surveys in Oklahoma. So whether you need a basic survey or a more detailed one, Carroll will get you covered.