Understanding Lease Area Surveys: A Brief Guide

Owning commercial property can be a complex venture. There's much to consider, from leasing agreements to measurements and compliance. We often tend to overlook one crucial aspect, which is the role of commercial land surveyors. Whether you are a seasoned landlord or new to commercial property management, understanding the need for professional surveying in the lease process can make a significant difference. Let's delve into why land surveyors are indispensable, how they operate and how their expertise benefits landlords.

Initiating Lease Survey: What's The Need For Commercial Land Surveyors?

When beginning a lease survey, the role of commercial land surveyors becomes paramount. They provide precise measurements and analyses, ensuring the land is accurately marked and mapped. The starting point of any lease agreement must be founded on accurate data, without which legal complications may arise.

Land surveyors are experts in identifying property boundaries and related aspects, enabling smooth leasing transactions. They provide detailed reports that comply with local regulations and offer insights into the property's layout, potential disputes and other pertinent information. Employing professional surveyors sets a strong foundation for your leasing process.

Lease Area Survey: How It Empowers Landlords In Oklahoma?

The lease area survey is not just a formality; it's a necessity. “Commercial landlords need accurate measurements of the leased space to determine rental rates, comply with zoning regulations and avoid disputes.”

Expert land surveyors play a vital role in providing detailed plans and measurements. They analyze the property, identify inconsistencies and help landlords adhere to the required guidelines. In Oklahoma, where local laws may differ, having a surveyor on your side ensures that your property aligns with local regulations and standards.

Standardizing Excellence: Method Of Property Measurement Guidelines

The Property Council of Oklahoma has formulated specific guidelines known as the Method of Measurement for determining the lettable area of commercial spaces. These guidelines encompass three main standards:

  • Net Lettable Area: Pertains to office buildings and tenancies.

  • Gross Lettable Area: Includes industrial buildings, showrooms and stand alone supermarkets.

  • Gross Lettable Area – Retail: Applies to retail tenancies in shopping centers and similar spaces.

These standards ensure a uniform approach across different industries. However, interpreting them according to unique requirements necessitates the expertise of a licensed commercial land surveyor.

Before starting the survey, both landlord and tenant must agree on the method to be used, defining what will be included or excluded in the calculation. If the lease is over a year, a licensed surveyor must conduct the survey and submit a filed plan to the Lands Titles Office for registration.

The guidelines set by the Property Council provide a robust framework, but the application often requires professional guidance to ensure accuracy and alignment with specific property needs.

Filed Plan: The Blueprint Of Legal Assurance

A filed plan is an official document that land surveyors prepare. It shows the boundaries, dimensions and other specific details of a property. This document is vital for property transactions and government agencies often demand it.

The skilled commercial land surveyors are responsible for creating an accurate filed plan. Their specialized knowledge and tools enable them to map the land precisely, ensuring that all legal requirements are met. A filed plan is more than just a blueprint; it's a legal record that protects both landlords and tenants.

Partner With Us For A Comprehensive Surveying Service

Commercial land surveyors ensure the expertise, accuracy and compliance needed to navigate the complex world of commercial property management. Consider partnering with Carroll Surveying and Mapping if you need professional surveying services. Our tailored solutions and in-depth knowledge will guide you through the leasing process confidently and clearly. Contact us today and let us make your property management journey smooth and successful!